Hi, I'm Sezgi Beck (Ulucam)

Full-stack/front-end engineer with two decades of experience building JavaScript apps at Microsoft / Yammer, Mode Analytics, StackShare, Hasura, and Viable.


A tour of the features I built at Viable, using Next.js, MUI, Recharts, Algolia, and Hasura. New layout with reusable components, sidebar nav, charts, horizontal scroller, and more.

My Tutorials

Illustration of woman with laptop
My Udemy course for a full-stack mobile app.
My talk at HasuraCon'20 about how Relay works.
My React & GraphQL Yelp clone tutorial.
Demo of business logic for a Unity leaderboard.
On errors in GraphQL vs Apollo vs Relay.

My Articles

My Projects

Composer (StackShare)
Rule checker (StackShare)
New user experience (StackShare)
Company profile (StackShare)
Onboarding (StackShare)
JavaScript text animator